For those people who enjoy motorcycles from the past, and in particular the 60s, 70s and 80s. This saw the rise and demise of the large 2 strokes that many of us enjoyed in our youth. This blog celebrates this time in particular but also motorcycling in general .
The Manawatu branch of the VJMC decided on a run to make the most of the continuing great autumn weather. Dions used this as a test run for his T500 and as the video shows the oil pump needs serious adjusting! Found some great new roads out the back of Hunterville with one road seeming to suggest a town none of us had heard of. Worth investigating. It proved to be a phantom town but the road to get to it had some great corners and scenery. Our stop off in Hunterville at our favourite cafe was greeted with the usual good quality food and great to see they had the fire on as the temperatures are definetly dropping as we get closer to the shortest day of the year. Dion rejoined us after turning around in Feilding with a T500 needing more fettling but as usual his replacement bike, the KR250 was still suffering from starting issues. Bruce didn't have to go to the gymn that day as he pushed Dion up the road to get him started!
Came across this as I was checking out the related videos attached to ours. Quite a big rally by the looks of things. Would be great to head over the ditch sometime to attend.
The Manawatu chapter of the VJMC club made the most of yet another autumn day and headed towards the blue sky in the Wairarapa. We decided to explore an area between Mangatainoka and Woodville called Hopelands. It proved to be an excellent choice with some great roads now added to our destinations. After making our way over the Pahiatua track and then through to Mangatainoka we headed east over a variety of back country roads and eventually made our way to Woodville for a refreshment stop at Cafe 88. Highly recommended if you want great food at a good price with great service. Sir Al brought along the latest addition to his garage. A very low mileage H2 in original order. It went really well with Alan taking it very easy whilst he gets used to it. I think he was very pleased to find that it was very docile. I am sure it wont be long before he explores the other parts of its perfomance. Don arrived on his trusty Bonneville to a chorus of "Its making the wrong noise" only to find out that the Honda MT250 he intended to bring had only just been picked up off the garage floor. Its broken clutch lever made it difficult to ride. Don hasn't had a lot of luck with the MT lately.
A small but keen group of VJMC/ Blue Haze members went for a ride last Sunday morning up the Pohangina Valley to a place called Riverview. Sir Al on his A7, Sparkie on his H2a and Rusty on his Gpz750 left Palmy at nine and headed in a north easterly direction out of town towards the Ruahine Ranges. Riverview is just north of one of our favourite destinations, The Pilgrims Rest Tearooms and as it wasn't open the Ashurst Domain Cafe was chosen as the refreshment spot. A great mornings ride through an autumn landscape.
Another great day out and about on the roads around the Wairarapa and Manawatu. After a few delays due to mechanical problems we spent the best part of the day roaming around some lovely windy bits of road. We tried a new bit of road that took us to Rongomai without having to do the boring straight bit of road from Mangamaire to Eketahuna. Although the road was a bit damp in places and required some care, the Pahiatua Track was great with no traffic to speak of. The great cloud of blue haze that billows after the Aokautere turnoff is sight to behold as the oil residue from town running is cleared from the pipes accompanied by that unique two stroke hydrocarbon aroma as you climb up the track. A quick stop at the top and then off to Mangamaire where with a quick consultation of the map saw us off to explore a shortcut to Rongomai. It meant we could miss out the boring straight bits of road to Ekatahuna. It proved to be a very curvy replacement as Dion and I took the lead on the 250s. It was during this part of the ride Dion had a close encounter with a falcon, and not the four wheeled variety. It was quite a sight following behind as it looked as though the birds wings were about to be wrapped around his helmet. No wonder his hand measurement when decribing the incident is so generous! Of course the sympathy for Dion from the troops extended to "bullshit, it was a sparrow!". Joking aside, it was a timely reminder about being very aware and careful when riding. After tea, coffee and food at Tui Central Mangatainoka it was back over the Saddle with a short stop at the top and then home.
September Classic Club Run to The Post Office
It was great to get out with the Manawatu Classic Motorcycle Club for their
monthly ride. The car park at the Bunnythorpe Community Centr...