Tuesday, May 7, 2019

PCs report on the 2019 VJMC Rally

A group of 6 of us made the trip down to Hanmer Springs for this years VJMC Rally.Barry (H2),Grant (H1) and Ken (DR650!! Would’ve looked better on a PC800
!!) all from Wellington and Rich (DL650), Kim (H2) and myself (GT550) from Palmy.

We headed out of Palmy early for Wellington to make the 8am ferry crossing. Why so early? well Barry had arranged a special visit to an establishment on the other side of Mt Lyford, Rodin Cars!

The weather on the day was good. It wasn’t long after leaving Picton that the first issue arose with a “classic bike”, Kim’s H2 front brake seized up, as in locked on! We could unlock it, but once he used it again it locked. So no front brake for him for the trip to Hanmer!

The run down through to Kaikoura was great but there was still a lot of work going on in regard to road construction so we had that to contend with that. The road over Mt Lyford and on was in pretty good knick so some fun was had here.

We arrived at Rodin Cars late in the afternoon and the team there were very accomodating and first up allowed us to take a run around the test track on our bikes. We were then hosted to a look into a garage that housed a few “toys” then onto a “surgically” set up shed where such toys and the Rodin cars were operated on. We moved into the assembly area where the building process took place as well as the machine shop which in itself was another facility that had us in awe, especially the titanium printer! Thanks to the team at Rodin Cars and of course Barry for getting us in.

The remaining run into Hanmer was uneventful, except for the great road and scenery.

The Rally site was was in a scenic wonderland just outside Hanmer at the Hanmer Springs Forest Camp on Jollies Pass Rd. We were soon ushered to our accommodation in what were some historical, or was that hysterical, cabins. Then on to catch up with other attendees at BBQ tea and refreshments!

Saturday dawned a cracker day but unfortunately the planned excursion to Christchurch Pero Motorcycle museum was put off due to the events in Christchurch on the 15th March! Instead the time was spent working on Kim’s H2 and the front brake calliper (two potential mechanic’s and about ten plus experts looking on offering sound advice!)
Once the H2 was sorted it was off to town for lunch and socialising.

Saturday night we all had a fine night at the dinner and prize giving.

Not too early on Sunday we said our goodbyes and headed out. We headed West on the Lewis pass, Rich headed South to continue on with his vacation. We weren’t long out of Springs Junction when an issue arose with Kim’s H2 (the drive sprocket came off) which could have been nasty but was easily and quickly fixed. We spent Sunday evening at the “Formally The Blackball Hilton”, in Blackball obviously!

On Monday we headed up the road to Picton, choosing our way carefully to allow the inclusion of as many gas stations as possible, so as to cater for the 2-strokes and especially for the GT. I could have taken my XR6 Ute and used less gas!!! As such I am a great advocate for hybrid and or full electric vehicles, not that I’d ever want one for myself but I figure the more others that had them then that would leave more fuel for me!

We gassed up the bikes in Picton, grabbed a feed and headed for the ferry....the GT sounding a bit off. Got on the ferry ok but the GT was not sounding any better! Once in Wellington it was off the ferry and heading North, limping to Barry’s place where we replaced one of the condensers ... I carry a spare! All good and we were off home.

A good few days away on the bikes with good company.


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